Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My country and citizens habit

i post this at first time, at my beloved campus.
in case, that i'm continue about my internship report 2weeks ago :)
so that i'm just trying to look side by side about my country habits

last time i saw some post on twitter about piracy.
yeah, we already know and saw there are so many i wanna describe
at least, make it my mind more sharp :p

i saw about some musicians that already had enough about piracy.
and i was thinking to myself.. if i were them, i would make a war with that ocnum.
nowadays we are becoming modern,
and disadvantage of its that made piracy up to the earth.

i will change my mind how i supposed to do..
i will make another ways to SELL my creativity (for example my music)
by they had stolen at first..

i will build my new debut via internet, in terms and condition
they could download as usual, BUT with money credits like paypal, etcetera

how is it looks like in your opinion?
eventhough lately, it could change by the environment minds.
at least we try to our best to learn and do the action!

am i just the only one who think so cruel like this?

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