yipiee, masih ada postingan berikutnya setelah beberapa tahun silam*lebay*
eh sumpeh, ini blog udah kayak apaan tau, acak adul bener -____-"
where will i start? which topic?
hmmmm, apa dulu yang musti dibahas
oh iyaaa, saya liburan udah lamaaaa banget loooh *diitung 3bulan kalo ga pake magang 2minggu+ SP sebulan*
aktivitas kuliah,
hemmm semester 2 kemaren saya akuin itu sangaaaaaaaat buruk!
kondisinya, tapi prestasi ningkat lah(dikit,huehehehe)
yasudahlah ~baca: ala bondanprakoso
teruuus sp, terus daftar sks.. dan saya baru nyadar saya kurang bayaran smester, abis dikasih bonus 1sks siiih! ahahahaha (gomawo lecture)
liburan: tiduuuur, tiduuuur, dan tiduuuur
kalo anda tau beruang kutub yang cuma kerjaannya makan+tidur lama dimusim dingin,
mungkin itu gambaran saya pas liburan..ahahahaha PUASSSSS men!
(mengingat saya kuliah full day school yang (kampret) sampe sore
dan baru akhir2 ini saya menemukan sesuatu yang menarik!!! what a boring world i have
sayaaaa, mulai tertarik dunia entertainment
o-hell-yeah jangan sangkut pautin kayak SHIJO atopun gosip yang tak berujung itu..
really, i love singing... and since i was a kid, i love dancing
tapi yee bedanya dulu ngedance tradisional, sekarang maunya tradisional+modern
hohoho HARUSSSSS!! ~awww whatever
terus nih ceritanya semester 3 nanti kelas saya PENUH DENGAN orang2 pintar
yaya ada si DMA, NA, SAF, de el el
dan PARAHNYA lagi, saya sekelas dengan *mantan temen, hell yeah males ngakuin pernah temenan* di kampus
haaaah*sigh*, Allah still with ITS name, Al-Adl(Yang Maha Adil)
no where to run, well the only thing i can do just face it!
there will be more spontaneously event soon, hectic day, and start to working hard..
well until now, i've never been do something seriously
just a half..or maybe less
and surely i'll try it to my best, with a target i've wrote down before,
starting my right career as a general manager+artist, saving more money to have my own social education+training centre and social institutions in the future(AMIN)
at my short term vision
-i will get a 3.7 IPK ~too late, but i will make it real
-i will get more exercise with singing and dancing
-i will pray a lot, be an useful person, honest, kind person
-i will get it all!
yep, those are my new target
maybe i will cry a lot because i'm just starting at the time like this,
with a beginer ability.
maybe i will have some conflicts include it in,
BUT SURELY i will go stronger from now on
keep on watching me guys, oh of course wish me luck too =D
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