Sunday, December 25, 2011

All I need is you

Oh well post berikut bakal berisikan daftar yang saya inginkan, jadi kalo terkesan sedikit "bermimpi" mohon dimaafkan =P

Be yours, when I know you've got a lot of admirers.
Stay with me, when you asked me why I'm that gloomy and I didn't answer to your question.
Hold my hands tight or wrap my shoulder with your arm, when we're going out with your family and friends..
Lean your head to me, when you can't solve your problems alone.
Kiss my forehead, when I'm lying to you.
See my eyes deeply and say " I'm yours ".
Hug me from back, when I'm about to cry.
Taking me to your office, so I'll help you as simple thing as I could do it for you.
Decorating of our room together with pictures of ours.
Going to my graduation, while you're that far..just for me
Walking together hand in hand, I get soaked and you share your coat for us, and kissing in the rain.
Put your best medal from your competition right after you got it from a stage.
When you got home and find me sleeping on the couch, kiss my cheeks and carry me to bed.
When I got angry, grab my waist and sing my favorite song.

Ah I can't believe that I wrote down that!
Mwahahahahahahahahahahha >:)

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